Yocan Rex Review – Chasing it’s tail?

Updated: April 10, 2024

The Yocan Rex is an exciting new e-nail that shares a lot in terms of design and functionality of Yocan’s previous enail devices such as the Yocan Torch. A few notable things have been changed, however, such as the much sought after move to USB-C charging which has been sorely absent from their previous devices. While the price point of the Yocan Rex stacks up well hovers around the same bracket as its predecessors, we’re hoping to see some big gains in the performance department so let’s get on with the review down below!

Review: Yocan Rex

Yocan Rex review Main

How it Works

Much like the vast majority of Yocan’s offerings, the Yocan Rex doesn’t stray far from the pack with its easy to approach set up and functionality. Outfitted with a single button located at the top of the device (or bottom of the battery, depending on how you look at it) for quick access, the Yocan Rex is far from complicated.

Holding down the power button until the light turns on starts the heat-up process or session and a quick click on the same button shuts everything down faster than you can say “vape”. The adjustable airflow valve featured on the exterior can be configured easily without too much resistance and makes it easy for both beginners and pros to find their desired sweet spot for dab sessions.

Manufacturing Quality

While Yocan has most definitely carved out its own place in the vaporizer market for providing relatively affordable yet functional vaporizers, most of their lineup comes with the downside of looking cheap and far from premium. The Yocan Rex improves on this a bit as it forgoes the powder-coated finish which can be found in the Yocan Torch and opts for a much sleeker looking and satisfyingly satin-like coat.

While the aesthetics have been much improved, the core feel of the Yocan Rex has unfortunately stayed the same and doesn’t hold a candle to the more premium fit and feel of devices such as the Utillian 5. The threads on the coil and battery still feel a bit rough around their edges though. And while it doesn’t really get in the way when it comes to setting things up, it’s easy to tell where Yocan cut corners when putting this vaporizer together.

Temperature Flexibility

It’s still the standard Yocan fare when it comes to voltage options; you get 3 voltage presets with the Yocan Rex: 3.2V (white), 3.7V (blue), and 4.2V (green). Each preset comes with its own corresponding color indicator on the power button so you’re not left in the dark when it comes to starting your sessions. Like most other devices, swapping between presets on the Yocan Rex requires pressing on the power button 3 times in succession.

When it comes to concentrates we typically like vaping it hot and the Yocan Rex delivers on that front. It’s best to keep in mind that the Yocan Rex is still a budget device, so anything close to precise temperature control with this device is still a pipe-dream at this point in time.

Vapor Quality

While the Yocan Rex does a great job of emulating the feel and performance of an old-school torch and banger setup, it comes up short in a few areas where its predecessor the Torch delivered. For starters, the Yocan Rex doesn’t feature a carb cap which was an option on the Torch. While the difference is marginal at best, it felt nice to be able to clear out the chamber on the older Yocan device.

For what it’s worth, the Yocan Rex performs more than respectably, especially when considering just how easy it was to set up and use.  The Yocan Rex stacks up well against more expensive e-nails such as the G-Pen Connect and the included QTC tri coil atomizer does a great job at heating up concentrate evenly without any hot spots which is a must when it comes to dabbing.

Battery Life

The Yocan Rex gets a big upgrade in battery life compared to older Yocan enail devices with its integrated 1400mAh battery. The specs on paper translated over to real-life usage as well as we tried and tested battery life on both the Rex and Torch side by side to see if the former does indeed get a leg up on the older device (it did).

Another big plus is the long awaited inclusion of a Type-C USB charging port (good-riddance Micro USB!) on the Yocan Rex. Not only did this make things a lot more convenient when it came to plugging the charging cable in, but it helped out with charging times as well. The Yocan Rex charges from 0 to full in as little as 1 hour which is a nice achievement considering the extended capacity toted by the battery.


Naturally, the Yocan Rex lacks the true portability that we’ve grown accustomed to with wax pens such as the Yocan Evolve Plus. While we don’t really foresee folks taking the Yocan Rex along with a dab rig for use when on the go, the device itself is pretty compact. Forgoing the two pronged design on the Yocan Torch where the battery was discrete from the atomizer, the Yocan Rex packs everything into a conveniently shaped cylinder, not unlike the average wax vape that can be seen in the market these days. Yocan mentions on their website how they focused on keeping things sleek and portable with the Yocan Rex and we’re inclined to believe them this time.

Ease of Use

Another great thing we appreciate with the Yocan Rex kit is how the included universal adapter integrates so easily with both 14mm and 18mm joins. The adapter can be flipped over supporting both male and female downstems which we think is a great option especially for beginners that might not have all the required accessories on hand.

Everything considered, the Yocan Rex is engineered for simplicity. From the way the device easily comes apart for quick and convenient loading of your concentrates with the included dab tool, to the ease of operation for firing up the enail.  The Yocan Rex mirrors the ease of operation of wax pens such as the Dr. Dabber Stella and it all works at a literal touch of a button.


While the use of dab rigs or enails is far from the definition of stealthy, the overall form factor of the Yocan Rex itself isn’t obtrusive at all. Most untrained eyes will easily dismiss the Rex as your average vape pen thanks to its unassuming cylindrical shape. With that said however, we still do not recommend getting an e-nail if your main objective is to vape undetected.

Overall Experience

The Yocan Rex does tick off a few important boxes and we’re very glad for it. The improved battery life is always welcome and we’re practically signing praises over here as we’ve witnessed another brand finally abandon the age-old Micro USB standard.

While the actual vapor production of the Yocan Rex can’t exactly be categorized as top tier, at its price point it definitely over delivers. While it still isnt the most premium feeling of e-nails around, it does manage to at least look the part. If you’re on a budget the Yocan Rex is a great entry or mid-range option for both pros and beginners alike looking for an inexpensive e-nail that does the job and does it well.

Score NaN
About Author
Avatar for Alex Karakatsanis

Alex is a cannabis enthusiast, long time vaporizer lover, writer and filmmaker. He is also a board and video game nerd with a penchant for hosting a weekly board game night. Partygoers have been heard saying things like “is anyone else going to show up?” and “I don’t think I can make it next week”. He strives to make people laugh at every opportunity and sees cannabis as a helpful tool in doing so.

The reviews and ratings are based on personal and decade-plus of industry experience. Such content is based on the opinion of the Editor/Author. They are solely provided as a basis for research and should be used only as guidance. We encourage thorough research by all visitors to attain the most objective viewpoint before purchasing.